E6 – Runaway Belt Error
If the actual belt speed is greater than the target speed by a limit and increasing then an E6 error is called. E6 errors flag errors that will result in the belt “running away” or not responding to input.
Step 1 :
Error 6
Before cycling power inspect the
motor controller for error
Motor Controller Error
Record console error code
parameters recorded with current
error code
Record error code information
from motor controller
Inspect all electrical connections,
ensure that all connections are properly
made and there are no shorts to
adjacent conductors
Speed feedback | Speed control issue | |
issue | ||
Speed Feedback Issues – See speed feedback issue trouble shooting guide in the CORRECTIVE ACTION PROCEDURES – Speed Issues section of this document.
Speed Control Issues – See speed control issue trouble shooting guide in the CORRECTIVE ACTION PROCEDURES – Speed Issues section of this document.
Step 2 :
1.Remove Power!!! Carefully check all connections, interface board and the Reliance Motor controller setting to ensure all settings are correct.
2.Enter the engineer mode to SERVICE 5, press "START" key to clean "ERROR LOG" and refer the T5x Engineer mod parameter set SOP to confirm the machine parameter whether is correct.
4.If AUTO CALIBRATION can't finish, please take the speed sensor to be close to magnet and AUTO CALIBRATION again.