Default ASR and Non-ASR Voice Prompts
Page 48 Mitel® 5000 Enterprise® Messaging and Basic Voice Mail Administrator Guide – Issue 3.1, December 2008
746 Not used Not used
747 You have no saved e-mails. N/A
748 Not used Not used
749 You have no saved faxes. N/A
750 Not used Not used
751 voice mail received... N/A
752 E-mail received... N/A
753 Fax received... N/A
754 Priority voice mail received... N/A
755 Priority e-mail received... N/A
756 Not used Not used
757 and seen N/A
758 and recent N/A
759 and answered N/A
760 and deleted N/A
761 Not used Not used
762*...Million... N/A
763*...Billion... N/A
764*...Trillion... N/A
765*...Minus... N/A
766*(For U.S. systems) ...Dollar...
(For European systems)…Pound… N/A
767*(For U.S. systems) ...Dollars...
(For European systems)…Pounds… N/A
768*(For U.S. systems) ...Cent...
(For European systems)…Pence… N/A
769*(For U.S. systems) ...Cents...
(For European systems)…Pence… N/A
770 <Pause> N/A
771*O’clock N/A
772*...Point... N/A
773 I was unable to connect to your voice mail server. N/A
774 I was unable to connect to your e-mail server. N/A
775 I was unable to connect to your fax server. N/A
Table 4. Voice Prompts: Non-ASR and ASR (Continued)
ID Content (Non-ASR) Content (ASR)