I n t r o d u c i n g
1POWER button: press to turn the system on or off. The green indicator on the button lights when the system unit is powered.
2activity indicators, from left to right:
lights when a diskette, floppy disk or FTD Travan tape drive is in use (depending on the operating system).
lights when a hard disk drive or SCSI tape drive is in use (depending on the operating system).
3infrared sensor: fitted only on Apricot LS340 models with a
4speaker grille: Apricot MS340 and LS340 models have internal stereo speakers. Apricot VS340 and XEN PC models have a single internal speaker
5door (shown closed): hinges down to reveal the removable- media drive bay.
63.5" diskette drive.7system lock: prevents unauthorized access to the inside of the system unit.