U s i n g t h e B I O S S e t u p U t i l i t y

Control keys

A number of keys are used to move around the BIOS Setup utility, select items on the screen and change the current configuration. The two lines at the bottom of the screen indicate what you can do at any given time.

To select a line, press the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys until the line you want is highlighted. If there are more lines than fit on one screen, the screen will scroll. The PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys also work. To choose a selected action, press ENTER.

To exit from a screen, press the ESC key. To get help, select a line and press F1.

Some lines are for information only. Others have fields you may change. Changeable fields are enclosed in square brackets. Most changeable fields allow you to select one of a few possible values. To select a different value, use the LEFT ARROW and RIGHT ARROW keys. Some changeable fields require you to enter a number. You may type numbers, press the PLUS (+) key to increment the current value or MINUS (–) to decrement it.

To restore the previous setting for a line, press F9. To restore the default setting, press F10.

Press ESC at the main menu to exit from the utility. You are asked whether or not you want to save any changes you have made to the configuration in the computer’s CMOS memory. If you save the changes, the computer will reboot on exiting the utility.

The table on the next page summarizes these controls.