M a i n t a i n i n g & T r a n s p o r t i n g


This chapter provides information on how to care for the computer (excluding the removable-media drives). You’ll find that it requires little physical maintenance other than occasional cleaning. But you must take care when transporting it to avoid damage to its delicate components, particularly the hard disks.


Turn off the system unit and unplug all power cords before cleaning or moving the computer.

Cleaning the computer

The system unit

Do not use sprays, solvents or abrasives that might damage the system unit surface. Do not use cleaning fluids or sprays near air vents, ports, or removable-media drives.

Occasionally wipe the system unit with a soft, slightly damp, lint-free cloth.

Occasionally wipe the air vents on the rear and sides of the system unit. Dust and fluff can block the vents and limit the airflow.

Occasionally clean the diskette drive using a proprietary head cleaner.

The monitor

Occasionally wipe the monitor with a soft, slightly damp, lint-free cloth. It is best to use anti-static glass cleaner on the monitor screen, but do not spray glass cleaner directly onto the screen; it could run down inside the case and damage the circuitry.