U s i n g F l o p p y D i s k , C D - R O M & T a p e D r i v e s
Keep tape cartridges well away from magnetic objects, and equipment that generates magnetic fields (for example, your computer’s monitor). Avoid extremes of temperature and exposure to direct sunlight; otherwise, the data recorded on the tape may become corrupted.
Cleaning the driveYou should clean the read/write head and the capstan of the drive frequently to prevent the accumulation of dust and metallic particles.
If you notice read or write errors, or many bad blocks when using the drive, be sure to clean the head and capstan thoroughly before concluding that the drive or your tapes are defective.
Although it is possible to use special kits to clean the drive, we recommend the use of 90% isopropyl alcohol and several non- abrasive, lint free swabs, as follows:
1.Turn off the system unit and unplug all power cords.
2.The read/write head and the capstan are accessible through the
3.Gently rub an
4.Rub another, unused,
5.Wait for at least three minutes before using the tape drive. This allows any residual alcohol to evaporate.