accessories connector ports 1 optional 17, 19
alert creating 13 downloading 5 reminders 13 setting 5
type, selecting 13 alert profile 13 animation
downloading 5 menu 15 storing 5, 6 wallpaper 5
application, locking and unlocking 24 appointments. See datebook
barring calls 16 battery 15, 26
calculator 22 calendar. See datebook call
alert type, selecting 13 alert, creating 13 barring 16
calling card 9 costs 18, 19 timing 18
call barring 16
call cost information 18, 19 call forwarding 16
call timers 18 calling card call 9 car kit 19
chat 6 computer 19 conference call 16 cost trackers 18
credit information 18, 19 currency converter 22
data call
connecting to external device 19 receiving 20
sending 19 datebook
adding an event 21 alarm 21 calendar 21
changing event information 21 copying an event 21
day view 21 deleting an event 22 event view 21 reminders 13, 21, 22 week view 21
Datebook Menu 21 display
animation 15 language 14
DTMF tones 17, 26
earpiece illustration 1
address, storing in phonebook 9 reminders, turning on/off 13
end key 1 event alert 13
exchange rate, calculating 22 external device 19
factory settings, resetting 15 fax call
connecting to external device 19 receiving 20
sending 19 fixed dial
defined 17
dialing numbers 17 editing an entry 10, 17 storing an entry 9
forwarding calls 16 frequency, changing 20
icon ID 9
inbox, text message 4 indicators
voice name 9 information services 6
key end 1
left soft key 1 menu 1 navigation 1
right soft key 1 send 1 voice 10
language, setting 14 left soft key
functions 1 lock
application 24 SIM card 24
master clear 15 master reset 15
Memory is Full! message 7 menu
customizing 8
Datebook Menu 21
features 16 language, setting 14 My Tones Menu 14 MyMenu 15 Phonebook Menu 9 rearranging features 8 scroll feature 14
menu key 1 message
animation 5 chat 6 deleting 5 inbox setup 4 information services 6 locking 5
outbox 5 picture 5 quick note 4 quick view 6 reading 5 receiving 5
reminders, text message 5, 13 reminders, turning on/off 13 reminders, voicemail 13 reordering menu 8
ring tone 5 sending 4 status 5
microphone 1 My Menu
creating 15 using 15
my tones 13
My Tones Menu 14