Section 6
View All Users
To view the user numbers"
1.Press F6 to view all
Figure 6-9 is the TPL User Screen, which shows users 1-50. Figure 6-10 is the DPL User Screen, which shows users 51-70.
The F6 key will now toggle between the TPL User and
the DPL User Screens.
Figure 6-9. TPL Users
Radio Parameters
From the Main Menu
1.Press F4 to see the Change / View Menu.
2.Press F5 for the Mode screen.
This screen will vary, depending on the type of repeater option board that you have read. If you have read a ZR310, you may choose between types of ZR310 option boards:
•Community PA (with public address)
•Community RMT (with tone
Figure 6-11 and Figure 6-12 are examples of the screens you might see.
If you skipped the repeater, the screen may list the Repeater Type as "Generic".
When the cursor is positioned on the Repeater Type line, the up/down arrow keys will toggle between the different types.
March, 1993 | Section |