Using the Phone 5 - 9
To find a contact name:
•Enter the first letter of a contact’s first name or last name. Smart Dialing searches fo r the letter starting
from the first character of a contact name as well as from the character that appea rs after a space, dash,
or underscore in a contact name. For example, if you tap number “2” which is associated with [a, b, c] on
the Phone keypad, contact names such as the following will be considered matches: “ Smith, Bernard”,
“Adams, John”, “Carlson, Eileen”, “Dillon, Albert”, “Childs, Larry”, “Coo per, Robert” and “Parks, Celine”.
•If the matching list is long narrow down the search further by entering another let ter. Using the same
example above, tap “3” which is associated with (d, e, f), the matching list is narr owed down to the
following names: “Smith, Bernard”, “Adams, John”, and “Parks, Celine” .
Figure 5-11
Finding a Contact
To make a call or send a text message using Smart Dialing:
1. Begin entering the first few numbers or characters.
2. In the Smart Dialing panel, use the up and down arrows on the keypad to navigate to the de sired contact or
phone number.
3. When the correct contact is selected, press TAL K to make a voice call.
4. To send a text message to the selected contact, tap Menu > Send Text Message.
5. To call a different phone number associated with the selected contact, tap the contact name and select the
phone number to call.
Muting a CallDuring a call, you can mute the microphone so you can hear the person on the l ine but he or she cannot hear
conversation from the microphone. This is useful when there is conv ersation or background noise on your end.
To mute or unmute a call:
1. Tap Start > Phone or press the green phone key o n the MC75’s keypad.
2. Make a call.
3. Tap Mute on the display to mute the audio. The Mute icon appears.