Backlight Backlight Backlight 0 Backlight
TAB Tab Tab Back tab Tab
SPACE Space Space Space Space
Star * * * *
.. >. .
Table 2-14
AZERTY Keypad Input Modes
Key Normal Shift + Key Orange + Key Blue + Key
A a A * Start Menu
Z z Z 1 Menu
E e E 2 Phone
Rr R 3
Tt T +
Yy Y _
Uu U -
Ii I =
Oo O “
Pp P áü OK
Qq Q #
Ss S 4
Dd D 5
Ff F 6
Gg G (
Hh H )
Jj J /
Kk K :
Ll L ‘
Mm M ?
Note: An application can change the key functions. The keypad may not function exactly as describ ed.
Table 2-13
QWERTY Keypad Input Modes (Continued)
Key Normal Shift + Key Orange + Key Blue + Key
Note: An application can change the key functions. The keypad may not function exactly as describ ed.