4 - 4 MC75 User Guide
Bluetooth Power States
Cold Boot
Performing a cold boot on the MC75 turns off Bluetooth after initialization (which takes a few moments). It is normal
to see the Bluetooth icon appear and disappear, as well as a wait cursor, when initialization proceeds in all modes.
Warm Boot
Performing a warm boot on the MC75 returns Bluetooth to the last state after initiali zation.
Suspending the MC75 turns off Bluetooth.
When the MC75 resumes, Bluetooth turns on if it was on prior to suspend.
ModesThe BTExplorer application has two modes for managing Bluetooth connections: Wi zard Mode and Explorer Mode.
The Wizard Mode is for novice Bluetooth users and the Explorer Mode is for experienced Bluetooth users. To
switch between modes, select View > Wizard Mode or View > Explorer Mode.
Wizard Mode
Wizard Mode provides a simple process for discovering and connectin g to Bluetooth devices.
Wizard Mode shows the devices and services in a simple Favorites view c reated by following the step-by-step
Explorer Mode
The Explorer Mode window is easy to navigate and provides greater control to users familiar with Bluetoo th. The
menu bar provides quick access to the options and tools used to connect to devices. To access Explorer Mode, tap
View > Explorer Mode.
NOTE If there is an active Bluetooth connection between the MC75 and another Blueto oth devic e, the M C75 wi ll not
timeout. However, if the user presses the Power button on the MC75, the MC75 will suspend and upon
receiving data from a remote Bluetooth device, the MC75 will wake from suspend mode. For example,
headset redial or Bluetooth scanner sending data to the MC75.
NOTE Switching between Wizard Mode and Explorer Mode closes all active connections.