4 - 18 MC75 User Guide
Figure 4-20
WWAN Bluetooth Audio Notification Dialog Box
Serial Port ServicesUse the wireless Bluetooth serial port connection as you would a physical ser ial cable connection. Configure the
application that will use the connection to the correct serial port.
To establish a serial port connection:
1. Ensure the MC75 is discoverable and connectable. See Device Info Tab on page 4-23.
2. Use the Connection Wizard to search for a Bluetooth serial device.
3. Select the device and tap Next. The Connection Favorite Options window appears.
4. In the Local COM Port: drop-down list select a COM port.
5. Tap Finish.
ActiveSync Using Serial Port ServicesUse the wireless Bluetooth serial port connection for ActiveSync just as you w ould a physical serial cable
connection. You must configure the application that will use the connection to the correct serial port.
Headset icon
NOTE By default, COM ports COM5, COM9, COM11, COM21, COM22 and COM23 are Blue tooth virtual ports. If an
application opens one of these ports, the Bluetooth driver activates and guides you through a Bluetooth