Using the MC75 2 - 11
Figure 2-4
Battery Icon on the Title Bar
Also view the battery status using the Power window.
Battery Reserve OptionsIf the charge of the battery reaches a critical threshold, the MC75 shuts down. T his threshold can be changed but
affects the amount of time that data can be retained.
1. Tap Start > Settings > Power icon > RunTime tab. A wa rning message appears.
Figure 2-5
Warning Message
2. Read the warning message and tap ok.
Figure 2-6
RunTime Tab
3. Select one of the Battery Reserve Options.
Option 1: Minimum - After a low battery shutdown, data will be retained for minimum amount of time.
Battery should be replaced immediately to avoid data loss.
Option 2: Less - After a low battery shutdown, data will be retained for less than normal amount of time.
Option 3: Normal - After a low battery shutdown, data will be retained for maximum amount of time.
4. Tap ok.