Using the MC75 2 - 35
Figure 2-19
Linear Scanning
3. Press the scan button. Ensure the red scan beam covers the entire bar code. The Scan/Decode LED lights red
to indicate that scanning is in process, then lights green and a beep sounds, by default, to indicate the bar code
was decoded successfully.
Figure 2-20
Linear Scanner Aiming Pattern
Imager Scanning1. Ensure that a scan-enabled application is loaded on the MC75.
2. Aim the scan window at the bar code.
Figure 2-21
Imager Scanning
3. Press the scan button. The red laser aiming pattern turns on to assist in aiming. Ensure the bar code is within
the area formed by the brackets in the aiming pattern. The Scan/Decode LED lights red to indi cate that
scanning is in process, then lights green and a beep sounds, by defaul t, to indicate the bar code was decoded
successfully. Note that when the MC75 is in Pick List Mode, the imager does not decode the bar co de until the
crosshair touches the bar code.