6 - 16 MC75 User Guide
Display Messages
The follow messages may appear on the DCR display:
ENTER PIN - A PIN is required to complete the transaction.
PIN ERR - The entered PIN is not between 4 and 12 characters.
CANCELED - The transaction was cancelled by the user.
COMPLETE - The transaction was completed.
KEYCLEAR - The DCR was tampered with or the battery completely discharged. The DCR must have the key
re-injected. See your system administrator.
BATT OK - Battery is significantly charged.
BATT LOW - Battery charge is low. Re-charge as soon as possible.
STAND BY - DCR is performing a firmware check. This occurs if it has been powered off for more than 24 hours.
Check the DCR Battery LevelWhen the DCR is not used for extended periods of time or in storage it must be char ged periodically to maintain the
battery charge. Motorola recommends charging the DCR once every three months.
If the DCR battery fully discharges the debit function will be inoperable but the MSR will still function for credit card
transactions. Return the DCR for service.
To check the battery level:
1. Remove the DCR from the MC75.
2. Press and hold the 5 key until the battery status displays on the DCR display.
BATT OK - Battery is significantly charged
Table 6-4
Keypad Key Descriptions
Key Description
Numeric Used to enter PIN.
Cancel Cancels the current transaction.
Clear Clears the entered data.
Enter Submits the entered data.
NOTE While the DCR is being used in normal operation (application is accessing the DCR port), the DCR charges
from the MC75.