The i1000 provides a speakerphone feature similar to a speakerphone you may use on your office or home phone. Because the i1000 is wireless, you will have the convenience of a hands free speakerphone anytime, anyplace to bring people together. Use the speakerphone to hold impromptu meetings, or to listen to your voicemail messages.
With the speakerphone feature, when one party is speaking, the other party will not be heard. The other party must wait until the first party stops speaking.
With the
•If the cover is open during a speakerphone call and you close the cover, you will end the call.
•If the cover is closed during a speakerphone call and you open the cover, the call switches to the earpiece. You can
switch back to speakerphone operation by pressing under “Spkr”.
During speakerphone use, the “Spkr” option flashes to remind you that the speakerphone is on.
Typically, the i1000 should be placed
VibraCall is an alert that notifies you of incoming phone calls and messages.
The alert choices are:
You can set VibraCall to notify you of all incoming calls and messages, or you can select individual services for vibration alert.
In “Mail” and “Group/Prvt” modes, the choices are Vibe On or Vibe Off.
If VibraCall is set for incoming calls and messages, the
Your i1000 Portable