Advanced Data Formatting 12 - 5
Note also that ADF rules are actually created when using the st andard data editing functions. Scan options are
entered as ADF rules, a nd the hier archy mentio ned above al so applies to th em. For the di gital ima ger scanner, this
applies to prefix/suffix programming in the parameter Scan Data Transmission Format.
These rules reside in the same “rule list” as ADF Rules, so the order of the ir cre at i on is also im p or tant.
Default Rules
Every unit has a default rule to send all scan data. Unit s with custo m sof twar e may have one or mor e defa ult rules
burned in. The rules hierarchy checks user programmable rules first, then the default rules. Default rules can be
disabled by entering the following general rule in the user programmable buffer:
When receiving scan data, send all data.
Since this rule always applies, ADF will never go into the default rules.
Special Commands
Pause Duration
This parameter, along with the Send Pause par ameter on page 12-25, allows a pause to be inserted in the da ta
transmission. Pauses are set by scanning a two-digit number (i.e., two bar codes), an d are measured in 0.1 second
intervals. For example, scanning ba r codes “0” and “1” inser ts a 0.1 seco nd pause; “0 ” and “5” insert s a 0.5 second
delay. See Appendix D, Numeric Bar Codes. To correct an error or change a selection, scan Cancel on page
Pause Duration
Begin New Rule
Scan the bar code below to start entering a new rule
Begin New Rule
Save Rule
Scan the bar code belo w to save the rule.
Save Rule