4 - 4 Symbol LS3578 Product Reference Guide

Radio Communications Host Types

To set up the scanner for communication with a cradle, or to use standard Bluetooth profiles, scan the appropriate
host type bar code below.
Cradle Host (default) - Select this host type for scanner(s) to cradle operation. The scanner must then be
paired to the cradle and the cradle communicates directly to the host via the host interface cable connection.
Serial Port Profile (Master) - Select this host type for Bluetooth Technology Profile Support (see page 4-6).
The scanner connect s to the PC/host via Bluetooth and behaves like there’ s a serial connection. The scanne r
initiates the connection to the remote device and is the Master. Scan Serial Port Profile (Master), then scan
the PAIR bar code for the remote device. See Pairing Bar Code Forma t on page 4-24 for information about
creating a pairing bar code for a remote device.
Serial Port Profile (Slave) - Select this host type for Bluetooth Technology Profile Support (see page 4-6). The
scanner connects to the PC/host via Bluetooth and behaves like there’s a serial connection. The scanner
accepts incoming connection requested from a remote device and is the Slave. Scan Serial Port Profile
(Slave) and wait for the incoming connection.
Bluetooth Keyboard Emulation (HID Slave) - Select this host type for Bluetooth Technology Profile Support.
(See p age 4-6 for Bluetooth Technology Profile Support and Master/Slave definitions.) The scan ner connects
to the PC/host via Bluetooth and be haves like a keyboard. The scanner accepts incoming connection
requested from a remote device and is the slave. Scan Bluetooth Keyboard Emulation (HID Slave) and
wait for the incoming connection.
NOTE 1.The scanner supports keyboard emulation over the Bluetooth HID profile. Fo r detailed information, and
HID host parameters, see HID Host Parameters on page 4-8.
2. When the scanner is paired to the cradle in SPP Master or Cradle Host mode, the scanner
automatically tries to reconnect to a remote device when a disconnection occurs that is due to the radio
losing communication. For more information see Auto-reconnect Feature on page 4-15.