Chapter 4 Radio Communications
This chapter pro vides information a bout the mode s of operation and features available for wireless commu nication
between scanners, cradles and hosts. The chapter also includes the parameters necessary to configur e th e
The scanner ships with the settings shown in the Table 4-1 on page 4-2 (a lso see Appendix A, Standard Default
Parameters for all host device and miscellaneous scanner defaults). If the default values suit requirements,
programming is not necessary.
To set feature values, scan a sin gle bar co de or a sh or t b ar code sequen ce . The settings a re stored in non -volat ile
memory and ar e pres er ve d ev en whe n th e sca nn e r is power ed dow n.
If not using a Synapse or USB cable with the cradle, se lect a host type (see each host chapter for specific host
information) after the power-up beeps sound. This is only necessar y upon the first po we r- up whe n co nn ec te d to a
new host.
To return all features to default values, scan a bar code in Default Parameters on page 5-4. Throughout the
programming bar code menus, default values are indicated with asterisks (*).
Scanning Sequence Examples
In most cases, scan on e bar code to set a specific parameter value.
Errors While Scanning
Unless otherwise specified, to correct an error during a scanning sequence, just re-scan the correct parame ter.
*Disable Pair on Contacts Feature/Option* Indicates Default