User Preferences 5 - 9
Aim Duration
When the scanner is in Level trigger mode (default mode), Aim Duration sets the amount of ti me the aiming dot
appears befo re turning into a scanning beam. Th is parameter has no affect when the scanner is in either of the
Two Stage trigger modes. See Trigger Mode on page 5-8 for a description of ea ch of the trigger modes.
The aim duration is programmable in 0.1 seco nd incremen ts, from 0.0 to 9.9 seconds. The default Aim Duration is
0.0 seconds. Wh en set to 0.0 se con d s, no aim ing pattern ap pe a rs be fo re a de cod e sessio n .
To set an aim duration, scan the bar code below. Then scan two n umeric bar codes from Appendix D, Numeric Bar
Codes that correspond to the desire d aim duration. Include a leading zero for d urations le ss than 1.0 seconds. For
example, to set an aim duration of 0.5 seconds, scan the bar code below followed by the 0 and the 5 bar codes. To
correct an erro r or cha nge the select ion, scan Cancel on page D-3.
Aim Duration
Beep on Insertion
When a scanner is inserted into a cradle and detects power, it emits a short low beep by default. To enable or
disable beeping on insertion, scan the appropriate bar co de below.
*Enable Beep on Insertion
Disable Beep on Insertion