User Preferences 5 - 7

Laser On Time

This parameter sets the maximum time that decode processing continues during a scan attempt. It is
programmable in 0.1 second increments from 0.5 to 9.9 seconds. The default Laser On T i me is 3.0 seconds.
To set a Laser On Time, scan the bar code below. Next, scan two numeric bar codes from Appendix D, Numeric
Bar Codes that correspond to the desir ed on time. Includ e a le adi ng zero for single digit numbe rs. For examp le, to
set a Laser On Time of 0.5 seconds, scan the bar code below , then scan the 0 and 5 bar codes. To correct an error
or change the selection, scan Cancel on page D-3.
Laser On Time

Beep After Good Decode

Scan one of the following bar codes to select whether the scanner beeps after a good decode. If Do Not Beep
After Good Decode is selected, the beeper still operates during parameter menu scanning and indicates error
*Beep After Good Decode
Do Not Beep After Good Decode