User Preferences 5 - 11
Transmit Code ID Character
A Code ID character identifies the code type of a scanned bar code. This is useful when the scanner is decoding
more than one code type. Select a Code ID character to insert between the prefix and the decoded symbol.
Select no Code ID character, a Symbol Code ID character , or an AIM Code ID character. For Code ID Characters,
see Symbol Code Identifiers on pag e B-1 and AIM Code Identifiers on page B-2.
Symbol Code ID Character
AIM Code ID Character
Scan Angle
Scan one of the following bar codes to select a scan angle. This affects the length of the laser scanning beam.
*Normal Angle
Alternate Ang le
NOTE If you enable Symbol Code ID Character or AIM Code ID Character, and enable Transmit “No Read”
Message on page 5-15, the scanner appe nds the code ID for Code 39 to the NR message.