Chapter 2 Scanning

This chapter provides beeper and LED definitions, scanning techniques, general scanning instructions and tips,
and decode zone diagrams.

Beeper Definitions

The scanner emits different beeper sequences and patterns to indicate its status. Table 2-1 defines beep
sequences that occur during both normal scanning and while programming the scanner.
Table 2-1
Standard Beeper Definitions
Beeper Sequence Indication
Standard Use
Short low-short medium-short high beeps Power up.
One short high beep A bar code symbol was decoded (if decode beeper is enabled).
Four long low beeps A communication error occurred while transmitting a scanned
symbol to a host. The dat a is ignored. This o ccurs if the sca nner is
not properly configured or if the scanner has disconnected from
the cradle.
Low beep The scanner detects power when inserted into a cradle.
Note: This feature can be disabled.
Low-high-low-high beeps Out of memory - the scanner cannot store the new bar code data.
The scanner was inserted in an incompatible/older cradle.
Four short high beeps Low battery indication.
Five long low beeps Conversion or format error.
Wireless Operation
Short low-high beeps Scanner has paired with the cradle.