2 - 4 Symbol LS3578 Product Reference Guide
LED Definitions
In addition to beeper sequence s, the scanner uses a two-color LED to indicate its status, and the cradle’s LED
indicates charge and communication status. Table 2-2 explains scanner LED sequences, and Table 2-3 explains
cradle LED sequences.
Table 2-2
Scanner LED Status Indications
LED Indication
Standard Use
Off No power is applied to the scanner (battery is discharged or removed);
scanner is in low power and ready to scan.
Green A bar code was successfully decoded.
Red A data transmission error, scanner malfunction, or the Symbol LS3578
scanner was inserted into an STB3478 cradle.
Charging Use
Green Slow Flash The scanner charges at the slow rate (used when a host cable powers the
Green Fast Flash The scanner charges at the fast rate (used when an external power supply
powers the cradle).
Red flash Charging problem. Contact
Motorola Enterprise Mobility Support
The Symbol LS3578 scanner was inserted into an STB3478 cradle.
Red and green flash Temperature fault. Move the cradle to a location where the temperature is
- 40
C; optimal charging temperature is 5
- 35
Table 2-3
Cradle LED Status Indications
LED Indication
Flashing Green The cradle is externally powered with a USB host interface that has
suspended the cradle. The c radle is no longer c onnected to the scanner bu t
the can charge the scanner. Scan the pairing bar code to re-pair the
Flashing Red Transmission error, or you inserted an LS3478 scanner into the STB3578