1 - 10 Symbol LS3578 Product Reference Guide

Sending Data to the Host Computer

The cradle receive s data from the scan ner via a wireless radio connection and tran smit s it to the h ost computer via
the host cable. The scanner and cradle must be paired for successful wireless communication.


Pairing registers a scanner to the cradle such that the scanner and cradle can exchange information. The
STB3578 and FLB3578 operate in two modes: Point-to-Point and Multipoint-to-Point. In Point-to-Point mode, pair
the scanner to the cradle either by inserting it in the cradle (if pairing on inser tion is enabled), or by scanning the
pairing bar code. In Multipoint-to-Point mode, you can pair up to three scanners to one cr adle. To use this feature,
scan the multipoint bar code in Multipoint-to-Point Communication on page 4-20.
The cradle inclu des p airing bar cod es on both it s front and ba ck. To p air the scanner with th e cradle, sca n a p airing
bar code. A high-low-high-low beep sequence followed by a low-high beep sequence indicates successful pairing
and connection to the remote device. A long low, long high beep sequence indicates unsuccessful p airing.

Lost Connection to Host

If scanned data does not transmit to the cradle's host, ensure that all cables are firmly inserted and the power
supply is connected to an appropriate AC outlet, if applicable. If scanned data still does not transmit to the host,
reestablish a connection with the host:
1. Disconnect the power supply from the cradle.
2. Disconnect the host interface cable from the cradle.
3. Wait three seconds.
4. Reconnect the host interface cable to the cradle.
5. Reconnect the power supply to the cradle, if the host requires.
6. Reestablish pairing with the cr adle by scanning the pairing bar code.

Configuring the Scanner

Use the bar codes in this manual or the 123Scan configuration program to configure the scanner. See Chapter 5,
User Preferences and each host chapter for information about programming the scanner using bar code menus.
See Chapter 10, 123Scan to configure the scanner using this configuration program. 123Scan includes a help file.

Radio Communications

The scanner can communicate with remote devices via Bluetooth Technology Profile Support, or by pairing with a
cradle. For radio communication parameters, detailed information about operational modes, Bluetooth Technology
Profile Support and pairing, see Chapter 4, Radio Communications.
NOTE The pairing bar code that connects the scanner to a cradle is unique to each cradle.
Do not scan data or parameters until pairing completes.