12 - 16 Symbol LS3578 Product Reference Guide
Message Containing A Specific Data String
Use this feature to select whether the formatting affects data that begins with a specific character or data str ing, or
contains a specific character or data string.
There are 4 features:
Specific String at Start
Specific String, Any Location
Any Message OK
Rule Belongs to Set
Specific String at Start
Scan the bar code belo w, then scan the bar codes represe nting the desir ed character or cha racters (up to a tot al of
8) in the Alphanumeric Keyboard on page 12-86.
After scanning the following bar co de :
1. Enter a string using the Alphanumeric Keyboard on page 12-86.
2. Scan End of Message bar code on page 12-95.
Speci fic Str ing At Sta rt
Code Lengths (continued)
28 Characters
29 Characters
30 Characters