Glossary - 2 Symbol LS3578 Product Reference Guide

Boot or Boot-up. The process a computer goes through when it starts. During boot-up, the computer can run
self-diagnostic tests and configure hardware and software.
bps. See Bits Per Second.
Byte. On an addressable boundary, eight adjacent binary digits (0 and 1) combined in a pattern to represent a specific
character or numeric value. Bits ar e numbered from the right, 0 through 7, with bit 0 the low-order bit. One byte in
memory is used to store one ASCII character.


CDRH. Center for Devices and Radiological Health. A federal agency responsible for regulating laser product safety. This
agency specifies various laser operation classes based on power output during operation.
CDRH Class 1. This is the lowest power CDRH laser classification. This class is considered intrinsically safe, even if all laser
output were directed into the eye's pu pil. There are no special operating procedures for this class.
CDRH Class 2. No additional software mechanisms are nee ded to conform to this limit. Laser operatio n in this class poses
no danger for unintentional direct human exposure.
Character. A pattern of bars and spaces which either directly represents data or indi cates a control function, such as a
number, letter, punctuation mark, or communications control contained in a message.
Character Set. Those characters available for encoding in a particular bar code symbology.
Check Digit. A digit used to verify a correct symbol decode. The scanner inserts the decoded data into an arithmetic formula
and checks that the re su ltin g num be r ma tc he s the enc od e d check digit. Check digits are required for UPC but are
optional for other symbologies. Using check digits decrea ses the chance of substitution errors when a symbol is
Codabar. A discrete self-checking code with a char acter set consisting of digits 0 to 9 and six addition al characters: ( - $ : /
, +).
Code 128. A high density symbology which allows the controller to encode all 128 ASCII characters without adding extra
symbol elements.
Code 3 of 9 (Code 39). A versatile and widely used alphanumeric bar code symbology with a set of 43 character types,
including all uppe rcase letters, numerals from 0 to 9 and 7 sp ecial characters ( - . / + % $ and space ). The code na me is
derived from th e fa ct tha t 3 of 9 elem en ts represent ing a character are wide, while the remaining 6 are narrow.
Code 93. An industrial symbology compatible with Code 39 but offering a full character ASCII set and a higher coding
density than Code 39.
Code Length. Number of data characte rs in a ba r cod e bet w ee n the start and stop characters, not including those
Cold Boot. A cold boot restarts a computer and closes all running programs.
COM Port. Communication port; ports are identified by number, e.g., COM1, COM2.