•A sound file begins playing when the message text is displayed. Use the volume keys to adjust the volume.
•If the message includes an attached file, select the file indicator or filename and press VIEW (for an image file), PLAY (for a sound file), or OPEN (for an object such as a Contacts or calendar entry or an unknown file type).
Note: Your service provider may give you additional information about using voicemail. For questions about voicemail, contact your service provider.
Note: Network/Service dependent.
When you receive a voicemail message, your phone shows the voicemail message indicator wand New Voicemail. Press Call to listen to the message.
To check voicemail messages later, press and hold 1.
Note: To receive voicemail messages, you must first set up your voicemail box. When your phone is turned off, incoming calls go directly to voicemail.
Note: Voicemail Passcode. It is strongly recommended that you create a passcode when setting up your voicemail to protect against unauthorized access. Without a passcode, anyone
who has access to your phone is able to access your voicemail messages.
More messaging features
create quick text
Note: Network/Service dependent.
Enter and store Quick Text (prewritten) messages that you can select and send later.
> g Messaging
Press Options, then scroll to Quick Text and press . Press Options, then select New.
send quick text
Note: Network/Service dependent.
> g Messaging
Note: Press Options, then scroll to Quick Text and press . Scroll to the quick text message you want to send and press Send.
set up messaging
Note: Network/Service dependent.
> g Messaging
Note: Press Options and select Auto Cleanup, Voicemail #, Callback #, Signature, or Auto Receive.
Messaging 29