System Administration
Upgrading the Firmware
T3 Firmware
T3 Switch stores one active and one alternate boot image.
To view the current image, or to monitor the progress of an upgrade, use:
show system image
The system image can be upgraded using FTP or TFTP. Commands used are:
Using FTP: system image load
Using TFTP: system image load
Instructions to obtain and upgrade the system image are found in the release notes of each software image.
Ethernet WallPlate Firmware
The Ethernet WallPlate software image is embedded in the T3 system image. As of the T3 3.0.0 firmware release, no upgrade is required on the Ethernet WallPlates. Check the most current firmware Release Notes to see if an image upgrade will be done on the WallPlate.
At bootup, the image version is checked. If the WallPlate image requires a reload, the time to upload all 25 WallPlates is approximately 20 minutes. Interruption during the upgrade time will not damage the WallPlate. Note, however, that the Ethernet WallPlate will be unable to carry network traffic during image upgrade.
Wireless WallPlate Firmware
The Wireless WallPlate software image is stored in the file system of the T3 Switch and loaded onto the WallPlates from that location. Each Wireless WallPlate stores one active and one alternate image. The image can be upgraded in runtime, user traffic will not be affected. The total time to complete a runtime upgrade of any single WallPlate is approximately 20 minutes. If upgrading multiple WallPlates, the system will automatically stagger the
show remote image
The status will display a percentage of completion, and show what action is currently being done. Do not reboot the WallPlate until it is 100% complete. Since the WallPlate supports two images, an unintentional interruption will not damage the unit.
Upgrading the software on the Wireless WallPlate requires three steps:
Step 1: FTP or TFTP the Wireless WallPlate image to the file system of the T3 Switch
file copy tftp://<IP of TFTP
NOTE: do not change the name of the file.
Step 2: Load the new image into the alternate image bank on the Wireless WallPlate
remote image load port<x> tftp://<Private IP address of
NOTE: for information on IP Addressing refer to pages
Step 3: Reboot the Wireless WallPlate to activate the new software
remote image boot port<x> alternate remote reboot port<x>
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