Multi Tech Equipment ISIHI-2S manual Terminal Adapter Dials But Cannot Make a Connection

Models: ISIHI-2S

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Chapter 6—Troubleshooting Guide

The Terminal Adapter Dials But Cannot Make a Connection

Possible be several reasons the TA fails to make a connection include:

Lack of a proper physical connection to the communication line

A busy signal

A wrong number

No terminal adapter at the other end

A faulty communications device, computer, or software at the other end

Incompatibility between communications devices

An improperly configured ISIHI-2S TA

Narrow the list of possibilities by using extended result codes. To enable them, enter ATV1X2 and press ENTER while in terminal mode or include V1X2 in the TA ’s initialization string (V1X2 is enabled by default). When you dial again, the TA reports the call’s progress.

If the modem/TA reports BUSY, the other number may be busy. Try again later.

If the TA reports NO CARRIER, no connection was made. You may have dialed the correct number, but the other computer or software was turned off or faulty. Check the number and try again or try calling another system to make sure your TA is working. Also, check that you accurately configured the TA with the correct switch type, TEIs, data protocols, and other parameters needed for a successful call (see Chapter 3).

You Can Place Data Calls But Not Voice Calls, or Vice Versa

You might not have ordered both voice and data service from your ISDN provider. Check your contract or latest statement of service from your ISDN provider.

Your ISDN provider may have programmed the switch incorrectly. Call the provider.

You Cannot Place Two Simultaneous Data Calls

You may not have ordered an ISDN line configuration that supports two simultaneous calls. Check your contract or latest statement of service from your ISDN provider. Also, your ISDN provider may have programmed the switch incorrectly. Call the provider.

You may have misconfigured your TA to dial two simultaneous data calls. The command AT&J1&W0<cr> is used to indicate whether outgoing calls should be made on two B-channels by default.

You may be using the wrong bundling dial modifier (e.g., ATD7853500&7853502<cr>). The ampersand in this command string is correct. Note other valid characters joining two telephone numbers include a Plus Sign (+) and an exclamation Mark (!).

Note: In Windows 95, if the Use Country Code and Area Code box is checked in the Properties window for dial-up connection, the bundling modifier (i.e., &, + or !) is removed from the dialing string when the user attempts to make a connection. The solution is to not check the Use Country Code and Area Code box or to simply add the bundling dial modifier to the phone number at the time of connection.


MultiModemISI Hybrid Series, ISIHI-2S

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Multi Tech Equipment ISIHI-2S manual Terminal Adapter Dials But Cannot Make a Connection