Multi Tech Equipment ISIHI-2S Configuration Storage and Recall Commands, Wn Store Configuration

Models: ISIHI-2S

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Chapter 4—MODEM AT Commands, S-Registers, Result Codes

Configuration Storage and Recall Commands

The ISIHI-2S stores parameters in two places. It stores factory default parameters in read-only memory (ROM), and customized parameters in nonvolatile random access memory (NVRAM). You cannot change the default parameters in ROM, but you can change parameters in temporary memory and then store them in NVRAM as custom settings. You can then recall the custom settings as if they were factory default settings.

&Wn Store Configuration

n = 0 Default: &W0

The &W command stores current AT commands and S-register values in nonvolatile memory, so you won’t lose your custom settings when you turn off the modem or reset it.

&W0 (or &W) stores all current AT command and S-register values in nonvolatile random access memory (NVRAM) and configures the modem so that it reads your custom settings in NVRAM when the modem is turned on or when it is reset with the Z command. The &F reset command will continue to read the factory default settings in ROM.

&Fn Load Default Configuration

n = 0 Default: &F0

ISIHI-2S modems store factory default AT command settings and S-register values in read-only memory (ROM); they store your custom AT command and S-register values in nonvolatile random access memory (NVRAM).

The &F0 (or &F) command resets modem to the factory default values stored in ROM.

Zn Reset Modem

n = 0 or 1 Default: none

The Z command resets the modem to the configuration last saved by the &W command. The default values come from the customized configuration in NVRAM.

Z1 is the same as Z0, and functions identically.

&Yn Select Stored Configuration for Hard Reset

n = 0 Default: 0

This command is included for compatibility with applications that issue the &Y0 command. Modem functions are not changed.

&Y0 selects the profile stored at location 0 on power-up.


MultiModemISI Hybrid Series, ISIHI-2S


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Multi Tech Equipment ISIHI-2S manual Configuration Storage and Recall Commands, Wn Store Configuration, Zn Reset Modem