ctrlplot 221
graph = ctrlplot(pdm,old graph,{keywords})
Parameter Li st
Inputs: pdm Pdm (or matrix) containing the data to be plotted.
old graph (optional) Graphical object to which data is added. Con-
ceptually the same as plot(pdm,{keep=old graph}).
The following keywordsspecify the basic plot format. Only one can be selected.
timeresp (default) real(p dm)vs. domain. This is the same as the
default plot function and is suitable for time domain re-
bode Two subplots are generated: log magnitude vs. domain
and angle vs. domain. They are positioned one above the
other. If present, old graph must also be in this format.
nyquist imag(pdm) vs. real(pdm). Standard Nyquist plo t.
nichols log ma gnitude vs. angle. Standard Nichols chart.
logmagplot log magnitude vs. domain.
phaseplot angle vs. domain.
The following keywords specify whether the domain is log or linear scale. This is not
applicable to the Nyquist or Nichols plots. The defaults depend upon whichof the above
control plot types has been selected.