sresidualize 351
sysout = sresidualize(sysin,ord)
Parameter Li st
Inputs: sysin InputDynamic System
ord Order of sysout
Outputs: sysout output Dynamic System
Residualize the states of sysin to the number specified by ord. The last nxord states
(nxis the number of states in sysin) are residualized. If ord is greater than the number
of states in sysin then sysout =sysin and a warning is displayed. sysin may be a
constant matrix, in which case it is treated as a system with zero states.
# Create a five state system for reduction.
a = daug(-0.891334,[-1.20857,0.799042;-0.799042,-1.20857],...
b = [0.0262569;-0.189601;-0.113729;0.211465;-0.538239]
c = [0.120725,-0.336942,0.397198,-0.700524,-1.02235]
sys1 = system(a,b,c,d)
# Reduce to a 3 state system by residualization
# and truncation.