sresidualize 351
sysout = sresidualize(sysin,ord)
Parameter Li st
Inputs: sysin InputDynamic System
ord Order of sysout
Outputs: sysout output Dynamic System
Residualize the states of sysin to the number specified by ord. The last nx−ord states
(nxis the number of states in sysin) are residualized. If ord is greater than the number
of states in sysin then sysout =sysin and a warning is displayed. sysin may be a
constant matrix, in which case it is treated as a system with zero states.
# Create a five state system for reduction.
a = daug(-0.891334,[-1.20857,0.799042;-0.799042,-1.20857],...
b = [0.0262569;-0.189601;-0.113729;0.211465;-0.538239]
c = [0.120725,-0.336942,0.397198,-0.700524,-1.02235]
sys1 = system(a,b,c,d)
# Reduce to a 3 state system by residualization
# and truncation.