starp 355
out = starp (upper,lower,dim1,dim2,skipChks)
Parameter Li st
Inputs: upper Upper object (Dynamic System, constant or pdm)inthe
lower Lower object in the interconnection.
dim1 The number of outputs of upper to be connected as inputs
to lower. (Optional - see description for default)
dim2 The number of outputs of lower to be connected as inputs
to upper. (Optional - see description for default)
Keywords: skipChks (Boolean, default = 0). Don’t check input arguments – this
includes type (Dynamic System,pdm) consistency and
fractional well posedness. For pdms, the well posedness
test may involve significant computation.
Outputs: out Resulting interconnection.
Connects two objects in a Redheffer “star product,” as illustrated in the following
This results in the following system.
Constant matrices can be interconnected with either pdms or dynamical systems. As
expected a Dynamic System and a pdm cannot be interconnected in this way.
If dim1 and dim2 are omitted, it is assumed that a linear fractional transfor mation is