Miscellaneous Utilities
Several utilities are provided in µ-Tools. These are subroutines used by other µ-Tools
functions which mayb e of more general use.
Description µ-Tools function Xmath/Xµequivalent
complex random number crand randpdm
fit system to data fitsys fitsys
Eigenvalueba sed Riccati solution ric eig riccati eig
Schur based Riccati solution ric schr riccati schur
A.2 Matrix Information, Display and PlottingXmath provides matrix/data object size information via a variable window. There is no
Matlab equivalentfor this functionality. Command window info rmation can be
obtained via the following functions.
Description µ-Tools function Xmath/Xµequivalent
matrix information minfo check,size,is
list workspace whos who
Plotting of varyin g matricesis provided by the Matlab µ-Tools function vplot.As
pdms are a native dataob ject in Xmath,the standard Xmath plot function will
correctly plot a pdm. Multiple calls will overlay the data, even if the domains differ. The
Xµfunction ctrlplot is provided for more control specific plots: Bode, Nyquist,
Nichols, log magnitude, etc..
Both Matlab and Xmath allowinteractive manipulation of the graphical data and
storage and retrievalof plots from the workspace or the underlying file system.