mkphase 291
[cdata] = mkphase(magdata, {skipchks,Hertz})
Parameter Li st
Inputs: magdata Magnitude data (pdm)
Keywords: skipchks Boolean. Skip theerror checking. (Default = 0)
Hertz The domain of the pdm is in Hertz. This is the default.
!Hertz specifies a domain in rad/sec.
Outputs: cdata Complex valueddata corresponding to a minimum phase
transfer function.
Fits phase data to magnitude data. The phase is equivalent to that produced by
minimum phase system. A complex cepstrum method is used.
Forfur ther details see: “Digital Signal Processing,” A.V. Oppenheim & R.W. Schafer,
p.501, Prentice-Hall,1975.
The on-line help example is the same as that for fitsys. Refer to page 239.