fitsys 239
[sys] = fitsys(data,npoles,nzeros,weight, {skipchks,Hertz})
Parameter Li st
Inputs: data Complex valued data (pdm).
npoles Order of requested fit. (optional, default = 0).
nzeros Number of zeros intransfer function. (optional, default =
weight Weighting function. (scalar, pdm,orDynamicSystem)
(optional, default = 1).
Keywords: Hertz Boolean.This keyword is mandatory as the function must
know whether the domain is in Hertz or radians/second
(specified by !Hertz) to fit correctly. Note that the Xmath
function freqassumes that thefrequency range is specified
in Hertz.
skipchks Boolean. Skip the errorchecking. (Default = 0)
Outputs: sys Dynamic system, order = npoles.
Fits a transfer function to complex valueddata. npoles and nzeros specifies the number
of poles and zeros.
The optional argument weight,specifies a weighting for the fit. If weightis a pdm it
must be overthe same domain as data. It may also be a Dynamic System, in which
case the magnitude of its frequency response is the weight. A scalar weight may also be
specified although this will have no effect. For logscale frequency data a weight of close
to 1/s is strongly recommended.