Chapter 3

Functional Description of Xµ

3.1 Introduction

This chapter describes the Xµfunctions in the context of their intended usage.
Chapter 2 provides the reader with an idea of the theoretical basis behind the various
analysis and design calculations. Here we outline the software functions available for
doing those calculations.
Robust control design uses a subset of data objects provided within Xmath. We discuss
the details of the most heavily used objects: Dynamic Systemsandpdms. This
coverageoverlaps that given in the Xmath Basics manual; only the emphasis is different.
There are several subtleties which arise when using these data objects in a robust
control context. These issues are discussed in Section 3.2.

3.2 Data Objects

Xmath provides a wide rangeof data ob jects. There are several which are of primary
interest in control design: matrices, pdmsandDynamicSystem. The transfer functio n
object is useful for specifying systems although all calculations will be done with state
space Dynamic Systems. The control uses of these objects is reviewed in this section.