# N is the decimation ratio.
smallpdm = bigpdm([1:N:length(bigpdm)])
3.2.5 Continuous to Discrete Transformations
Xmath has a single function, discretize, for calculating continuous to discrete
transformations. Several options are offered includingforward and backward difference,
Z-transform equivalent, bilinear and pole-zero matching.
Xmath also has a makeContinuousfunction whichperforms the inverse of the
discretize function. Naturally, it is only an inverse if certain pole/zero location and
sampling period relations are assumed to hold.
3.3 Matrix Information, Display and Plotting3.3.1 Information Functions for Data Objects
The data object information is available in Xmath via the variable window. This
displays the data object classification, row and column information and any associated
comment for each variablein the workspace. For pdmsorDynamic Systemsthe
domain or state dimension is also displayed. If open, this window is updated
continuously; closing it will speed up calculations.
The Xmath command who displays dimensional information in the command log
window. pdmsandDynamicSystems both app ear as three dimensional objects and it
is not possible to distinguish between them using this command alone. The core
function whatis displys the data object type.
Within an Xmath function, data object attributes can be determined with the check or
is functions. These have similar formats, with check being the more powerful. The
function size is used to determine the actual dimensions.