IInnssttaallll SSooffttwwaarree oonn tthhee HHoosstt PPCC
A. Install the software packages you plan to use, such as LabVIEW, LabVIEW RT, Lookout,
Measurement Studio, or LabWindows/CVI, before you install the FieldPoint software.
The FieldPoint software installation installs the LabVIEW VIs and examples, Lookout
driver class, and LabWindows/CVI instrument driver only if it finds the corresponding
development software installed.
B. Close all other applications.
C. Insert the FieldPoint software CD into the CD-ROM drive on your computer.
D. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the installation.
NNOOTTEE If the setup does not launch automatically, select SSttaarrtt»»RRuunnfrom Windows,
enter d:\setup, where dis the letter of your CD-ROM drive, and select OOKK.
CCoonnffiigguurree tthhee ccFFPP--2200
iinn FFiieellddPPooiinntt EExxpplloorreerr
If you do not have version 3.0.2 or later of FieldPoint Explorer, download the current version from
ni.comand install it on the PC.
A. Verify that the Compact FieldPoint system is powered on.
B. From the Windows Start menu, select PPrrooggrraammss»»NNaattiioonnaall IInnssttrruummeennttss
FFiieellddPPooiinntt»»FFiieellddPPooiinntt EExxpplloorreerrto launch FieldPoint Explorer, shown in the following figure.
11 cFP-20xx Quick Start Guide
National Instruments Corporation