15 cFP-20xx Quick Start Guide
National Instruments Corporation
FFiinnddiinngg aanndd CCoonnffiigguurriinngg DDeevviicceess aanndd CChhaannnneellss
After you have configured the cFP-20
in FieldPoint Explorer, follow these steps to configure
Compact FieldPoint devices and channels.
A. In the Comm Resource Configuration dialog box, click FFiinndd DDeevviicceessto search for all of the
devices connected to the cFP-20
. If the Comm Resource Configuration dialog box is not
already open, right-click the cFP-20
in FieldPoint Explorer and select EEddiitt tthhiiss ccoommmm
If FieldPoint Explorer finds no devices, refer to the user manual.
B. After FieldPoint Explorer finds the Compact FieldPoint modules, click the ++sign next to
FFPP RReessin the left pane to expand the device hierarchy and display the modules found on
the network.
The hierarchy includes all of the modules connected to the cFP-20
. The default name of
each device found includes the name of the FieldPoint module, followed by a space, the @
sign, and the address of the module (for example, cFP-2000 @0). For each module found, one
I/O Item is created for each channel on the module, and if all the channels are of the same
type, one I/O Item is created to represent all the channels on that module collectively.