19 cFP-20xx Quick Start Guide
National Instruments Corporation
SSaavviinngg HHaarrddwwaarree CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn aass PPoowweerr--UUpp SSttaatteeWhen you are satisfied with the hardware configuration of the FieldPoint system, you can
save this configuration as the new power-up state for the system.
A. Right-click the cFP-20
controller in the left pane of FieldPoint Explorer, and select EEddiitt
tthhiiss ddeevviiccee.
B. Clear the factory configuration checkbox.
C. Specify the power-up settings with either of the following options:
• If you want only the range and attribute settings you configured to be saved as
power-up states, click OOKK. These settings are written to the nonvolatile memory of
the controller.
• If you want to save power-up values for the range and attribute settings and also all
the current output states of the output channels, click SSnnaappsshhoott. This stores the
current ranges, attributes, and output values of the bank to the nonvolatile memory of
the network module. Click OOKKwhen you are finished.
Refer to the user manual for more information about configuring and changing the power-up
values and configuring a network watchdog to guard against network failures.
CCAAUUTTIIOONNUsing the Snapshot feature overwrites any power-up values you have
specified for individual channels in the Channel Configuration dialog box.