17 cFP-20xx Quick Start Guide
National Instruments Corporation
D. Click CChhaannnneell CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonnto access the Channel Configuration dialog box, shown in
the figure at right.
Make your selections in this dialog box as follows:
1. Select the type of channel to show, then select the channel(s) that you want to
change. To select more than one channel, clear the OOnnee cchhaannnneell aatt aa ttiimmee
2. Set the range and output values of the selected channel(s).
3. Set the deadband for data communication over the network. The deadband setting is
a percentage of the full-scale range.
4. Set attributes for selected channel(s) by selecting the attribute and entering the
desired value.
5. Send commands to the selected channel(s) by choosing a command and value and
clicking SSeenndd.
6. Repeat this procedure for each channel you want to configure.
7. Click OOKK, or click AAppppllyyto save the changes and continue to configure channels.
When you click OOKKor AAppppllyy, the changes are immediately sent to the device and
saved in its nonvolatile memory.
NNOOTTEE Configuration options vary by module. The options listed here may not be
available for some modules.