cFP-20xx Quick Start Guide ni.com
IInnssttaallll CCoonnnneeccttoorr BBlloocckkss oonn tthhee BBaacckkppllaannee
In order to connect I/O modules to input signals or to external loads, you need to install a
connector block or other connectivity accessory for each I/O module on the backplane.
Use the connector socket to the right of each I/O module socket.
A. Wire field devices as described in the I/O module and connector block operating instructions.
B. Align the captive screws on the connector block with
the holes on the backplane.
C. Press firmly to seat the connector block
on the backplane.
D. Using a number 2 Phillips screwdriver
with a shank of at least 64 mm (2.5
in.) length, tighten the captive
screws to
1.1 N m (10 lb in.)
of torque.
E. Repeat this
procedure to install
additional connector
blocks on the
CCAAUUTTIIOONN Do not insert or remove connector blocks or other connectivity
accessories while power is applied to them.
CCAAUUTTIIOONN Hazardous voltage wiring should be performed by qualified personnel
and in accordance with local electrical standards.