CCoonnnneecctt tthhee ccFFPP--2200
ttoo YYoouurr NNeettwwoorrkk
Connect the cFP-20
controller to an Ethernet network using the RJ-45 Ethernet port on the
controller. Use a standard Category 5 Ethernet cable to connect the cFP-20
to an Ethernet
hub, or use an Ethernet crossover cable to connect the controller directly to a computer.
If the host PC is already configured on a network, you must configure the cFP-20
on the
same network. If neither is connected to a network, you can connect the two directly using a
crossover cable.
In order to configure the cFP-20
, it must reside on the same subnet as the host PC. If you
want to use the cFP-20
on a subnet other than the one the host PC is on, first connect and
configure it on the same subnet as the host PC, then reassign a static IP address for the
subnet where you want it to be and physically move it to the other subnet.
CCAAUUTTIIOONNTo prevent data loss and to maintain the integrity of your Ethernet
installation, do not use a cable longer than 100 m. If you are using a 100 Mbps
Ethernet, National Instruments recommends using a Category 5 shielded twisted-
pair Ethernet cable.
WWiirree PPoowweerr ttoo tthhee CCoommppaacctt FFiieellddPPooiinntt SSyysstteemm
Each cFP-20
on your network requires an 11–30 VDC power supply.
A. Connect the positive lead of the primary
power supply to one of the V1 terminals and
the negative lead to one of the C terminals.
B. If you are using a backup power supply,
connect the positive lead to V2 and the
negative lead to one of the C terminals. The
uses the power supply with the
higher voltage level. V2 is isolated from the
other V terminals.
11–30 VDC
Primary Power Supply
11–30 VDC Backup
Power Supply
9cFP-20xx Quick Start Guide
National Instruments Corporation