cFP-20xx Quick Start Guide ni.com
C. Click the ++sign next to IIAA SSeerrvveerr
wwiitthh OOPPCCin the left pane to
expand the view. Right-click
FFiieellddPPooiinnttand select AAdddd aa
ccoommmm rreessoouurrccee ttoo tthhiiss sseerrvveerr.
The Comm Resource Configuration
dialog box appears.
D. Set the Type to EEtthheerrnneett, as
shown in the figure to the right.
Each Ethernet comm resource
represents a single FieldPoint
network module on
the network.
E. Click BBrroowwsseeto launch Remote System Explorer. Remote System Explorer searches for
any cFP-20
or other National Instruments Ethernet devices on the subnet.
F. Double-click the serial number of the cFP-20
you want to configure. Alternatively, you
can right-click the controller and choose CCoonnffiigguurree DDeevviiccee.