Chapter 5 Signal Timing
© National Instruments Corporation 5-3 DIO 6533 User Manual
Figure 5-3. External Request Timing
Trigger Timing
Using pattern-generation mode, you can configure the 6533 device to
accept both start and stop triggers.
The stop trigger is the primary trigger. The 6533 device can transfer
specified numbers of data both before and after a stop trigger. If you do
not enable a stop trigger, the 6533 device stops automatically after
transferring a number of data points equal to the size of your buffer.
The start trigger is a second trigger that begins a pattern-generation
operation. If you do not enable a start trigger, the operation starts
immediately when you issue a software command to per form a transfer.
Triggers are available for both waveform generation (output mode) and
data acquisition (input mode). Acquiring data that occurs before or after
a trigger is known as pretrigger or posttrigger data acquisition,
Parameter Description
tcCycle time
tlw Width of low pulse
thw Width of high pulse
tpPropagation time to valid output data
tsu Setup time
thHold time
Data (Output Mode)
Data (Input Mode)
10 ns
Min 20 ns
30 ns
20 ns Min
20 ns Min
50 ns Min