Chapter 5 Signal Timing
© National Instruments Corporation 5-27 DIO 6533 User Manual
Figure 5-23. Trailing-Edge Mode Output Timing
Burst ModeBurst mode is a synchronous, or clocked, protocol. The data transmitter
and receiver share a clock signal over the PCLK line.
In every clock cycle, the 6533 device asserts the ACK signal if it is
ready to perform a transfer. If the peripheral device also asserts the REQ
signal, a transfer occurs on the rising clock edge. Either the 6533 device
or the peripheral device can insert wait states into the protocol by
Parameter Description Minimum Maximum
Input Parameters
trr* REQ pulse width 75 —
tr*r REQ inactive duration 75 —
ta*r* ACK inactive to next REQ inactive 0—
Output Parameters
taa* ACK pulse width 22512752
tr*do(1) REQ inactive to new output data
(with REQ-edge latching) 050
r*do(2) REQ inactive to new output data
(with REQ-edge latching disabled) 0—
doa Output data valid to ACK
(with REQ-edge latching disabled) 25 —
1 taa* (min) = 225 + programmable delay All timing values are in nanoseconds.
2 taa* (max) = 275 + programmable delay
Output Data
(REQ-edge latching)
Output Data
latching disabled)
taa* ta*r*