❚❚Press + Command Dials

Selecting Press + command dials displays the following options:






Press the Fn button








and rotate a





command dial to




Choose image

choose from pre-




selected image areas



i area



(0 74). Selecting









Choose image area









displays a list of image areas; highlight options



and press 2 to select or deselect, then press J.








Press the Fn button and rotate the main


Shutter spd &

command dial to lock shutter speed in modes f


and h; press the Fn button and rotate the sub-

$ aperture lock



command dial to lock aperture in modes gand



h. See page 126 for more information.



If the Fn button is pressed when the command



dials are rotated, changes to shutter speed


1 step spd/

(exposure modes fand h) and aperture


(exposure modes gand h) are made in

v aperture



increments of 1 EV, regardless of the option



selected for Custom Setting b2 (EV steps for



exposure cntrl, 0 315).







Choose non-CPU

Press the Fn button and rotate a command dial to

w lens number

choose a lens number specified using the Non-



CPU lens data option (0 229).



Press the Fn button and rotate the command


dials to adjust Active D-Lighting (0 182).


Exposure delay

Press the Fn button and rotate a command dial to

& mode

choose an exposure delay mode (0 322).



No operation is performed when the command


dials are rotated while the Fn button is pressed.