How it works

When to use it


Camera focuses on subject in selected focus area.

Use with static subjects when

Focus will remain locked while shutter-release button

time is available to compose

is pressed halfway.





Camera focuses on subject in selected focus area. If





subject moves before camera has focused, camera

Use with static subjects when

will focus based on information from other focus

time is available to compose

areas. Focus will remain locked while shutter-release





button is pressed halfway.





As above, except camera focuses on subject in center

Use when sure of subject’s

focus area of selected group. If subject moves before

place in



camera has focused, camera will focus based on in-

but unsure of its exact posi-

formation from other focus areas in same group.





As above, except that camera selects focus area con-

Use when sure that subject

taining principal subject closest to camera. If subject

will be closest object to cam-

moves before camera has focused, camera will focus

era but unsure where it will

based on information from other focus areas.

appear in final composition.

Camera continues to focus on subject in selected

Use with moving subjects that

focus area while shutter-release button is pressed

can be continuously



in single focus area.


Camera focuses on subject in selected focus area.





While shutter-release button is pressed halfway, cam-

Use with subjects that are

era tracks subject as it moves from one focus area to

moving unpredictably.


the next.






Use when sure of moving

As above, except camera focuses on subject in center

subject’s place in overall com-

focus area of selected group.

position but unable to predict


its exact position.




Use with



As above, except that camera selects focus area con-





taining principal subject closest to camera.

subject will be closest object


to camera.



Taking Photographs—Focus


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Image 95
Nikon D2Xs manual How it works